I dont see how this goes into DnB, soz, but i cant figure it out, it should be maybe misc.
I dont see how this goes into DnB, soz, but i cant figure it out, it should be maybe misc.
Its all distorted Bass... and drums...
O well... OOPS... Thx for the review!
Such a beautiful piece! It was so amazing! Probably the best classical piece ive heard on this site by miles. Amazing man, truly. Could you drop by my stuff when you have time? If you could, thatd seriously kick ass!
Hey thanks a lot man! Sure, I'll have a listen to your music.
Best guitar solo in the world!? Lol, ive seen at leasnt 2000 better then this, but at least you had the guts to try.
yeah... im still working on it. but one day you'll see.. YOU'LL ALL SEE!! MUHAHAHA
thx for the review
This is nice, the bass was nice, this is quite hard to judge where to put lol, i know what you mean, over its a good song, although its a little repetitive, but i really like it! Its really nice! Keep going strong! Lol, i dont think this need much advise, its speaks for itself, could you check out my 2 new jungle songs, Ambush and Serenity? If you could thatd kick ass. Thanks for your time man!
Thanks for the review. I have one thing to say to you...awesome drum work! I think serenity is waaaaay better than ambush. It's beautiful and creepy at the same time! Which is definatley a good thing. Nice work.
Oh. My. God
I swear, i am quite sure i have never given a song 10 for each criteria, i am a dark reviewer, but this fits anything anyone could want in a song, AMAZING effort, to produce a masterpiece, so much care and effort taken to make this song, i am soooo amazed. You, out of all of the artists on newgrounds, are easily my favourite, with out doubt. VERY original, and you made it even more original with adding amazingly mastered and mixed flutes, i have never seen a house song with with flutes, but it does seem to do the song alot of justice! Very smooth and almost relaxing. How diverse! Very Diverse, thats all i can say. Amazingly clear for such a long piece! I can basicly hear every instrument you added to the piece to make it amazing. The bass guitar riff makes it feel very housy, along with the amazing drums, with an awesome hat. The piano, was very very good too, this is a song with alot of creativity and effort. You are SO talented, you should consider actually producing music, because, it maybe just me, but you could produce such records, it would make you famous. Also, you are 16, you have all THIS talent and your 16!!! Oh my god, you are going to be so good man! That almost sums, it up, my very rare 10 for everything! worth to vote 5 on! Talent. And a VERY long review! Keep going strong man! You rock! If you have any time, could you check out some of my stuff? If you could, thatd be amazing man, especially coming from you! Ok im going to sum it up now! THANK YOU for submitting such high quality and sounding masterpieces which make me wonder why you arnt doing this for a job!
I need to make an album first. This could take a while. Thanks for the long, heartwarming review!
Hey Man!
This has a good mixer and flanger feel. The drums didnt sound nooby, the other effects were put on the rght time. Nice change of synth pitch at the right time, everything was perfectly on time, which is pretty good. Could you check out my new song i submitted like 5 mins ago? Called ambush, its ambient jungle song, please have a look at it and tell me what you think of it....
I am Amazed
Never before have i seen such mastering! The flanger panning thing is amazing, with the synths and everything, this is an amazing song. Can you check out some of my stuff? BTW, are you going to make a Happy Hardcore song? You should, i reckon you'd be good at that as well.
Thanks for the review. I'll check out your tracks soon. And maybe I'll make a HH track =)
You deserve alot for this effort, this has my 5!
Thank you very very VERY much. I spent alot of time on this song. I cant even believe that I made it.
There was something in this piece i really liked, but i cant really pick it. Very easy to listening to, nice house is pretty rare on ng, but this seems it will meet everyones expectations. Hey can you check out some of my stuff to? Id really appreciate that man. Thx
Cheers dude! I'm really surprised how good its been doing.
Now all I need is more downloads! XP
Checking out your stuff now.
Oh My God! The Talent!!!
Amazing talent here!!!!
Amazing use of the mixer, and synth which werent boring. These songs all have my 5. Check out my music and tell me what you think.... And also, do you use FL Studio or reason, or a different program, id like to know. If you could tell me that would be great. Thanks, keep it up ok!?
Hi. PENIS. Bye.
HappyHardcore Artist
Brisbane, Queensland, AU
Joined on 7/1/05