Oh. My. God
I swear, i am quite sure i have never given a song 10 for each criteria, i am a dark reviewer, but this fits anything anyone could want in a song, AMAZING effort, to produce a masterpiece, so much care and effort taken to make this song, i am soooo amazed. You, out of all of the artists on newgrounds, are easily my favourite, with out doubt. VERY original, and you made it even more original with adding amazingly mastered and mixed flutes, i have never seen a house song with with flutes, but it does seem to do the song alot of justice! Very smooth and almost relaxing. How diverse! Very Diverse, thats all i can say. Amazingly clear for such a long piece! I can basicly hear every instrument you added to the piece to make it amazing. The bass guitar riff makes it feel very housy, along with the amazing drums, with an awesome hat. The piano, was very very good too, this is a song with alot of creativity and effort. You are SO talented, you should consider actually producing music, because, it maybe just me, but you could produce such records, it would make you famous. Also, you are 16, you have all THIS talent and your 16!!! Oh my god, you are going to be so good man! That almost sums, it up, my very rare 10 for everything! worth to vote 5 on! Talent. And a VERY long review! Keep going strong man! You rock! If you have any time, could you check out some of my stuff? If you could, thatd be amazing man, especially coming from you! Ok im going to sum it up now! THANK YOU for submitting such high quality and sounding masterpieces which make me wonder why you arnt doing this for a job!